What are Nofollow links and How they are used for?

Nofollow Links? Dofollow Links? If you are Digital Marketer, these terms sound familiar to you, but do you know what no-follow links are and how they differ from do-follow links? We try to solve all your doubts in this article.

This type of link (Nofollow Links), tells search engines to ignore the link. Thus, Google doesn’t crawl the page you’re pointing to and not to pass domain authority to it.

How do Nofollow links work?

In this case, they are links that do have an attribute in the HTML code. Therefore, for this type of link to exist, we have to add the attribute to the link code, leaving it as follows

<a href=http:// www.website.com rel=”nofollow”> Link text </a>.

By reading the code, Google interprets that they are links that you should not follow. This way, no authority is granted to it, even though it is linked on the website.

Furthermore, the same thing happens with the backlinks that carry this attribute; therefore, even if they link to your website, you will not gain authority either. This means that the Google algorithm will not reward your website, and you will not improve your positioning.

What are nofollow links for and when should you use them?

As we have indicated previously, no follow links tell Google not to track that hyperlink.

Initially, the purpose of these types of links was to reduce the amount of spam and deception to Google. By adding this attribute, the flood of spam links stopped being valid and distorting Google results.

Currently, unfollowed backlinks are an essential tool to guarantee that companies do not carry out bad practices, which would lead to severe sanctions.

That being said, these types of links are placed where it is anticipated that there will be a lot of outbound links. For this reason, not being able to control all of them, it is better to place the no follow tag so that Google does not track them.

Uses of the nofollow Links

There are several situations where you should use the no follow tag as part of your on-page SEO strategy. We will tell you which ones:

When you have too many links: they can help you optimize your organic visibility, but you will see results if you use them wisely. If you have too many outgoing links, Google can penalize you by considering that your website is not quality.

When you are linking to a website with a low reputation: this is one reason why you can use these links; For example, if you are linking to a new site that still has little content.

Also, you can use them so that Google does not associate your website with another niche or, keywords for which you do not want to position yourself.

When you use the same link on several pages on your website: in order not to be penalized by Google, you must label these types of hyperlinks as nofollow.

To place an affiliate link or a paid one: affiliate links are better than nofollow links. This way, you will link the products naturally, and it will help you increase web traffic and get more sales.

You should do the same if you get paid to insert a link on your website. In this sense, the ideal is to use the label “rel-sponsored”.

Differences between no follow and do follow

Now that you know what they are and what they are for, we are going to explain how they differ from do follow links:

The do-follow links are tracked by Google, while the others are not. Therefore, with the do-follow, you allow Google to access and track the content.

The do-follow links are all those default links. That is, you don’t need any attributes to be inserted into your HTML code. Instead, Nofollow links must carry the rel=“nofollow” attribute in their HTML code.

Do follow links provided authority to the destination website and take away a bit of visibility from the link, while the others do not transfer domain authority.

Do follow links allow you to generate visits and public traffic. On the other hand, no follow links are not valued since it can be thought they do not generate great benefits. However, although it is true that they do not generate authority on your page, they should not be evaluated as something negative either.

The perfect proportion would be to use a dozen unfollowed links and two or three do-follow links. So, with the first, we get web traffic, and with the second, we would gain the trust of users and Google. In conclusion, this article has helped you to know what no-follow links are and how they differ from the do-follow.

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